A mind map of how one perceives growth, change, and discreteness through time.
As a former architect, I have always been interested in building something that stands the test of time in its physical form and understanding what it might mean to live outside of time's influence. During my childhood, an hour could last forever, but as an adult, an hour feels like minutes; the jealousy of past-self innocence is overwhelming as one can never attain this state of naivety again.
In today’s world, one is often attempting to anticipate the future whilst weighing up the mental burden of removing ourselves from the present. Contemporary society is often preoccupied with chasing the immediately relevant, an impulse motivated by a yearning for moments of timelessness. The inevitability of time is inescapable, yet our search for immunity produces a splintered perspective of time and our relationship to it, an insidiousness explored throughout this work.
Music co-written with Noxis.